Everyday life is the special occasion!

July 23, 2015

Summer Salad #6

For the next couple of months I will present you with some delicious salads that are quick and easy, require minimal or no cooking, and are the perfect way to enjoy all the produce that's in season now. Due to the heat inside when the oven is turned on, the much required detoxification and urge to loose an extra unwanted pounds I've been relying on my instinct to mix and match several ingredients that are healthy, savory and nutritious to create fresh, easy, colourful and pretty enough for a party salads that can also become your main-course for summer months without any guilt added to the pleasure of indulging in them. The first one has the tropical twist of the exotic papaya [deliciously sweet with musky undertones and a soft, butter-like consistency] combined with our delicious melon  and farmer's market organic vegetables.

  •  red onion
  •  cherry tomato
  •  lettuce
  •  arucula
  •   melon
  •   papaya
  •   extra virgin olive oil
  •   cider vinegar

  • cebola roxa
  • tomate cherry
  • alface
  • rúcula
  • meloa
  • mamão
  • azeite
  • vinagre de sidra


  1. Gostei imenso do colorido e da diversidade da tua salada :)

  2. Adorei essa salada, cheia de cor e cheia de sabor! Só coisas que eu gosto! Beijinhos

  3. adoooooro papaias, mais baratas fossem mais eu comia!!! Este ano ainda nem lhes toquei, aqui nas minhas bandas não têm andado boas.
